Detecting Children's Visual Issues With Mosman Behavioural Optometrist
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Detecting Children’s Visual Issues With Mosman Behavioural Optometrist

Australian behavioural optometrist Gary Rodney, fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), whose Smart Vision Optometry has a special interest in this area, says that many parents are at a loss when it comes to assisting their children with their eyesight or vision, and just as many are overlooking the symptoms of potential vision disorders.

Nobel Australian Optometrist Commemorates Children's Eye Health And Safety Month
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Nobel Australian Optometrist Commemorates Children’s Eye Health And Safety Month

Gary Rodney, an Australian Smart Vision Optometrist and fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control at Eyes InDesign Mosman, is passionate about helping children pinpoint their eye issues and ultimately resolve their problems.

Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Informs Parents On Child Vision Development
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Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Informs Parents On Child Vision Development

We all know that a child’s development can vary immensely from child to child. It is perhaps not as well known that a child’s vision also develops over time and can also vary from child to child.

Jacqueline Gattegno, a leading Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, explains the relationship between vision and learning; and why it is so important for parents to understand the difference between sight and vision.

Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children's Eye Health
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Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children’s Eye Health

Jacqueline Gattegno, a Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, explains the importance of healthy food to maintain eye health. “Try adding some eye-friendly food to your diet, it can help improve vision and ward off diseases. While it’s important to nourish the body, adding certain nutrients can improve vision, especially in children. A well-balanced diet can help children develop vital learning skills and prevent vision loss,” Jacquie suggests.

Teachers help to spot early signs of eye problems in kids
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Teachers help to spot early signs of eye problems in kids

Vision impairment or loss can affect people of all ages, but it can be detected at an early age. Reduced eyesight can have minor or long-lasting effects on all aspects of life including personal daily activities and participation in school and work.

Jacqueline Gattegno, a Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, provides insight in identifying signs of vision problems in children.

"Smart Kids Wear Glasses" the Grain of Truth Behind the Myth

“Smart Kids Wear Glasses” the Grain of Truth Behind the Myth

Most stereotypes are based on prejudice, but occasionally, one pops up that’s based on fact – even if only remotely. “Smart kids wear glasses” could be among them, at least up to a point. Australian behavioural optometrist Jacqueline Gattegno sheds light on what is known regarding the intriguing link between myopia and IQ.