Gold Coast Burleigh Heads Tyre Dealer Urges Solid Brake Care
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Gold Coast Burleigh Heads Tyre Dealer Urges Solid Brake Care

“Vehicle owners should understand how their brakes work and how they can be maintained and even improved,” says Chris Lett, Australian tyre recycler and owner of Branigans Tyres. He discusses major ways in which vehicle owners can improve their brake’s performance.

Sydney Mosman Behavioural Optometrist Talks To Us About Irlen Syndrome
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Sydney Mosman Behavioural Optometrist Talks To Us About Irlen Syndrome

Irlen Syndrome is a visual perception processing disorder. According to statistics, Irlen Syndrome is identified and treated appropriately, in one in two children and adults worldwide with learning and perception issues. However, leaders in the field of behavioural optometry, like Gary Rodney a fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), are now debating whether these figures really reflect the causes of perception issues or whether they are the outcome of incorrect diagnoses brought on by subpar eye exams.

Indoor Wallan Play Centre Owner Warns On Excessive Digital Screen Time On Kids
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Indoor Wallan Play Centre Owner Warns On Excessive Digital Screen Time On Kids

Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre, discusses ways that indoor play centres can provide alternative activities that can combat the negative influences of too much time on digital and screen devices.

Nobel Australian Optometrist Commemorates Children's Eye Health And Safety Month
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Nobel Australian Optometrist Commemorates Children’s Eye Health And Safety Month

Gary Rodney, an Australian Smart Vision Optometrist and fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control at Eyes InDesign Mosman, is passionate about helping children pinpoint their eye issues and ultimately resolve their problems.

Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children's Eye Health
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Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children’s Eye Health

Jacqueline Gattegno, a Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, explains the importance of healthy food to maintain eye health. “Try adding some eye-friendly food to your diet, it can help improve vision and ward off diseases. While it’s important to nourish the body, adding certain nutrients can improve vision, especially in children. A well-balanced diet can help children develop vital learning skills and prevent vision loss,” Jacquie suggests.

Jungle Kids Wallan Play Centre Owner Informs On The Essential Play Centre Areas
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Jungle Kids Wallan Play Centre Owner Informs On The Essential Play Centre Areas

Fun and excitement form the foundation of all play centre experiences, as well as the intuitive, educational aspects that accompany them. What’s at the fore, is the particular environment that play is conducted in. At play centres specifically, there are a number of key areas that act as important venues to foster ideal cognitive and physical development.
Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre, discusses the essential play areas that promote holistic development for children at play centres.

Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Creates Awareness On National Eye Health Month
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Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Creates Awareness On National Eye Health Month

Jacqueline Gattegno, a Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, expands on the importance of healthy vision. “There are approximately 2.2 billion people globally with near or distance-related vision impairment. In approximately half of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented, or identified early with a regular visit to a Smart Vision Optometrist,” says Jacquie.

Trusted Wallan Play Centre Owner Educates On Structured And Unstructured Play
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Trusted Wallan Play Centre Owner Educates On Structured And Unstructured Play

The concept of structured and unstructured play has always intrigued the play centre industry, and in addition, has riddled the industry with the question of which one is better than the other. The truth is, both structured and unstructured play equally present their own vitality for a child’s wellbeing.

Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre and proud mother, discusses the importance of structured and unstructured play, and their key benefits for children’s development.

Wallan Indoor Play Centre Owner Advises Parents On Leading Kids In Hands-On Play
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Wallan Indoor Play Centre Owner Advises Parents On Leading Kids In Hands-On Play

Kylie-Jane Shannon, proud mother, and owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre advises parents on how to support their children’s exploration at play centres. “The best, and healthiest way to support children’s exploration is to encourage, facilitate and interact in ways that stimulate children’s thought processes as opposed to just reciting facts,” says Kylie.

Wallan Play Centre Owner Talks Imperative Parenting And Play Centre Connection
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Wallan Play Centre Owner Talks Imperative Parenting And Play Centre Connection

The child-parent relationship is a bond that can be facilitated effectively within play centres and often helps to improve child-parent relationships. Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre and proud mother, advises on the importance of play centres and parenting, and how both aspects work simultaneously.