Sodium bicarbonate doesn’t destroy the gut and stomach acid needed for digestion

Sodium bicarbonate helps to maintain a healthy body pH and alkalinity. Contrary to what people may think, sodium bicarbonate does not destroy the stomach acid that is needed for digestion. One should take pure and natural sodium bicarbonate 30 minutes before eating to prevent stomach acid from entering the stomach and if you have eaten about 2 hours after to make sure there is non-stomach acid there. This will prevent the stomach acid from neutralising the bicarb..

Dean Kesarlal, the founder of Safe Soda and an iconic Australian healthy lifestyle educator, explains how sodium bicarbonates acts as a neutralising agent for the digestive system and has many beneficial purposes.  The body produces sodium bicarbonate to keep your intestines healthy. It’s commonly used as an antacid and can relieve stomach pain.

“The body contains various organs such as the liver, kidney, pancreas, prostate and stomach, which all produce bicarb for various purposes,” says Dean. The most common reason the stomach holds bicarb is due to its hydrochloric acid. Bicarb that surrounds the lining of the stomach is the ONLY thing in the world that can hold off highly corrosive hydrochloric acid long term.

The key to the absorption of nutrients is having the proper amount of alkalinity. When you digest food, the first enzyme that’s released is Amylase. This enzyme breaks down the starch and is ONLY activated in alkalinity and hence the pancreas also produces amylase

The digestive system secretes enzymes and gastric acids to help break down food in the stomach. These components are necessary for the proper digestion of food. The other components of the digestive system help absorb the food into the gut being the intestines.

The enzymes released in the chewing action then pull apart the nutrients and minerals from the body. The acid then goes into the stomach and the pancreas pumps out bicarb from two small galleries before entering the intestines to neutralise the hydrochloric acid. The goal is to remove the acid and activate the cell’s absorption of the nutrients. this has to be done in an alkaline environment so the cells of the intestines are unlocked and the gut microbiome is at an optimal level.

If the gut is too acidic, it can cause cells to lock up and cannot absorb nutrients and minerals. This can lead to issues such as Small bacterial overgrowth (SBO) and celiac disease.

“Sodium bicarbonates are commonly used to relieve the symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn,” says Dean. “It can also be utilised to treat duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, ” Dean adds.

Malnutrition and poor dietary habits are known to cause stomach acid problems. The lack of nutrients is caused by the body’s failure to absorb nutrients and produce gastric acid. Also, stress can decrease the production of gastric acid.

“Besides being a natural home remedy, ingesting baking soda can also help lower stomach upsets,” says Dean. “This is a very safe and effective method to use”.

Safe Soda flagship product Superior SodaTM is the top-level Pharmaceutical Grade Sodium Bicarbonate sourced from nature itself. One of the most significant health claims of this is that it helps maintain and support healthy acid/alkali balance in the body. The product is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) Register with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and classed as a Listed Medicine.

For more information on these health benefits, follow Dean’s free Live presentations and webinars.

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