Check the saliva for body pH and alkalinity instead of urine

Saliva is a liquid body fluid that consists of secretions from the minor and major salivary glands. It contains many molecular constituents that can be used for screening and disease detection. The saliva is an Extracellular Fluid meaning its the fluid outside the cells.

Dean Kesarlal, the founder of Safe Soda and an iconic Australian healthy lifestyle educator, explains why one should check saliva for body pH and alkalinity instead of urine.

Urine is a waste product of the body and can show what the body is wasting. “Urine does not tell what the body pH an alkalinity is, but saliva does,” says Dean. “Saliva is a highly desirable bio fluid for bio-marker development due to its non-invasive nature and low-cost method for disease detection and screening,” says Dean.

Saliva can detect oral diseases such as oral cancer, but it can also “pick up systematic diseases such as lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and even ovarian cancer, and even diabetes within the saliva,” says Dean.

Studies have shown that certain constituents of salivary glands can discriminate between systemic and oral diseases. Non-coding RNAs are emerging as critical regulators of biological functions. The short size of the ncRNAs makes them stable in various body fluids, such as saliva and urine.

Studies are being conducted to identify disease-specific molecular targets transported from the primary organ to the salivary gland. ncRNAs are useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of human cancers. Each type of tumour has its own transcriptome profile. For instance, colon cancer has a distinct profile. Also, using a rodent model, exosome-like molecules can carry and drive tumour-specific biomarkers into saliva.

Non-coding RNAs are emerging as new biomarkers that can serve as disease-specific indicators in body fluids. Unlike bio fluids, saliva is easily collected and can be utilised and non-invasive. However, its high bacterial contents and low RNA abundance make performing downstream RNA sequencing experiments challenging. Due to its small size and body fluid stability, ncRNAs are the most widely used salivary biomarkers.

The development of a non-invasive salivary test for disease detection could have broad applications in medicine. It could provide a valuable diagnostic tool for patients and reduce the cost of healthcare.

Saliva is mainly composed of water and is used to maintain the proper function of the tongue. It can also prevent the growth of bacteria and begins and help the digestion process. Unfortunately, the importance of this vital component is rarely appreciated until it is gone.

Human saliva is often used for the development of personalised medicine and disease-specific biomarkers. The term salivaomics was first coined to describe the omics constituents of saliva. Studies suggest that using salivary RNA to detect systemic diseases, such as breast cancer and lung cancer, could improve oral cancer and other local diseases.

The large volume of salivaomics data generated by many studies has led to the development of a system that supports salivary diagnostic research.

In the past decade, saliva has helped detect various local and systemic diseases. Despite the wide acceptance of salivary diagnostic tests for oral diseases, their utility and scientific credibility are still largely unexplored. This is evidenced by the lack of formal scientific credentialing for salivary diagnostic tests for systemic diseases.

Safe Soda flagship product Superior SodaTM is the top-level Pharmaceutical Grade Sodium Bicarbonate sourced from nature itself. One of the most significant health claims of this is that it helps maintain and support healthy acid/alkali balance in the body. The product is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) Register with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and classed as a Listed Medicine.

For more information on these health benefits, follow Dean’s free Live presentations and webinars.

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