Wallan Play Centre Owner Discusses Creating Play Centre Partners
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Wallan Play Centre Owner Discusses Creating Play Centre Partners

“Having friends helps children develop many life skills that are necessary in day-to-day activities. Without these skills children could struggle to build normal social skills or relationships,” says Kylie-Jane Shannon, the owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre.

Wallan Play Centre Owner Talks Improving Kids' Concentration
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Wallan Play Centre Owner Talks Improving Kids’ Concentration

It can be difficult to get young children to concentrate for any length of time. Put them in a setting such as a play centre and it can be even more difficult because they become over excited and overly stimulated as there is so much happening around them. Kylie-Jane Shannon, the owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre, gives some tips on how to improve children’s concentration in a play centre setting.

Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre Wallan Owner Discusses Healthy Meals After Play
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Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre Wallan Owner Discusses Healthy Meals After Play

When children play they constantly use their muscles and burn a lot of energy. A well-balanced healthy meal is always needed afterwards to restore their energy and feed their growing muscles. “The availability of unhealthy foods like some fast foods or processed foods has made it tough for parents to ensure that their children are eating a healthy diet. If we factor in our hectic schedules, it becomes even harder.” says Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre.

Indoor Wallan Play Centre Owner Warns On Excessive Digital Screen Time On Kids
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Indoor Wallan Play Centre Owner Warns On Excessive Digital Screen Time On Kids

Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre, discusses ways that indoor play centres can provide alternative activities that can combat the negative influences of too much time on digital and screen devices.

Wallan Victoria Play Centre Owner Discusses Beneficial Pre-Schooler Activities
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Wallan Victoria Play Centre Owner Discusses Beneficial Pre-Schooler Activities

Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre, identifies some of the play activities provided to support the development of children’s fine and gross motor skills, sensory integration, emotional intelligence, visual perception and problem-solving skills in an indoor play centre environment.

Trusted Wallan Play Centre Owner Educates On Structured And Unstructured Play
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Trusted Wallan Play Centre Owner Educates On Structured And Unstructured Play

The concept of structured and unstructured play has always intrigued the play centre industry, and in addition, has riddled the industry with the question of which one is better than the other. The truth is, both structured and unstructured play equally present their own vitality for a child’s wellbeing.

Kylie-Jane Shannon, owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre and proud mother, discusses the importance of structured and unstructured play, and their key benefits for children’s development.

Wallan Indoor Play Centre Owner Advises Parents On Leading Kids In Hands-On Play
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Wallan Indoor Play Centre Owner Advises Parents On Leading Kids In Hands-On Play

Kylie-Jane Shannon, proud mother, and owner of Jungle Kids Indoor Play Centre advises parents on how to support their children’s exploration at play centres. “The best, and healthiest way to support children’s exploration is to encourage, facilitate and interact in ways that stimulate children’s thought processes as opposed to just reciting facts,” says Kylie.